MARION Bail Bond

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When you or a loved one are arrested, it creates an enormous amount of stress. Even if the arrested person committed no crime, he or she faces the prospect of a long legal battle with uncertain results. The best thing to do when facing this situation is to focus on what you can accomplish right now, which is securing release on bail.

In America, everybody has the right to bail. Until proven guilty in a court of law, no one can be denied liberty. Bail is designed to give defendants an incentive to appear in court and comply with the terms of their release. Its purpose is not to keep people incarcerated because they lack money. Because bail is often too high for the defendant’s resources, bail bonds were developed to reduce the amount of money a person must pay to obtain release. DJ’s Bail Bonds started in the Raleigh, NC area and has expanded throughout the state because of our commitment to helping our clients remain free.

How bail bonds work

A magistrate judge sets bail according to guidelines, which prompt the judge to consider the nature of the offense, the detainee’s criminal history, and ties to the community. The detained person must either post the full amount of the bail or use the services of a bail bondsman. When using a bondsman, the defendant only pays a small percentage of the bail.

For example, Joe was arrested by the Marion NC Police for DWI and drug possession. The magistrate set his bail at $10,000. Initially, Joe was afraid he would be stuck in the McDowell County Jail because he and his family have little money. He contacted DJ’s Bail Bonds and was relieved to discover he could secure a bail bond for just $1,500.

Joe was even more relieved to learn that in the event he couldn’t pay the fee in full upfront, a DJ’s bail bondsman could put him on a payment plan. Once the fee was paid and the paperwork completed, he’d be freed from jail on the promise of appearing in court on the scheduled date and time.

DJ’s Bail Bonds provides service for all types of bail bonds, including:

If you or a loved one are in custody in Marion, NC, contact DJ’s Bail Bonds 24/7/365.

Immigration bail bonds

Immigration and customs enforcement (ICE) detains people for a variety of reasons, including visa violations, illegal entry, conviction of a crime, or membership in an illegal organization. As with all arrests, the detainee has the right to a trial and the right to bail. An immigration judge may rule the detainee can remain in the country.

Bond is set either by an immigration judge or through a custody determination interview with a deportation officer. Bond amounts vary widely. A third party must agree to be the indemnitor on the bond. If you or a loved one are in ICE custody, call DJ’s Bail Bonds today.

Felony Bail Bonds

Judges often require high bail for felonies because exposure to prison time makes the defendant a flight risk. Individuals with prior convictions have increased incentive to flee and may receive even higher bonds. Most defendants lack the resources for high bail. A felony bail bond makes the bail affordable by reducing how much the defendant must pay. Many people are able to use resources like home equity loans to afford a felony bail bond.

Gun Possession Bail Bonds

DJ’s Bail Bonds handles gun possession bail bonds, which are often expensive. When someone is arrested for another crime and the police find they also have an illegal weapon, judges consider the defendant a danger to the community and require high bail. People with criminal records who are caught with illegal firearms are also considered more dangerous. Qualifying for release requires a licensed and reputable bail bondsman who can assure the court the defendant will comply with the terms of bail.

Disorderly Conduct Bail Bonds

Whether charged with disorderly conduct after a barroom brawl or a heated exchange with a neighbor, DJ’s Bail Bonds knows you want to get out of custody fast. That’s why we’re available 24/7/365 to get you out right away, so you can remain free until you have the chance to tell your side of the story in court.

Drug Possession Bail Bonds

Serious drug possession charges carry long prison terms, especially if the defendant has a previous conviction. Because of this, magistrates are often reluctant to allow attainable bail unless a reputable bail bonds company like DJ’s can assure the court of the defendants compliance with bail terms. Charges may be dismissed or reduced and prison time avoided, so don’t stay in custody when you don’t have to. Call DJ’s Bail Bonds today.

DWI Bail Bonds

When you or a loved one are arrested for DWI, we know how important it is to get out of custody fast. Many people arrested for DWI have families, jobs, and other responsibilities. They can’t afford to languish in the McDowell County Jail. DWI bail can be cost prohibitive, especially if the detainee has a previous DWI. Our bail bondsmen are DWI bonding experts. Even if you are hit with high bail, they can get you out of custody fast.

The McDowell County Jail is no place to be. There is little to do and incarcerated people are at a disadvantage in legal proceedings because they cannot earn money while stuck in jail. Don’t let you or your loved one suffer punishment before trial. Contact DJ’s Bail Bonds for immediate bail bonding. Our bail bonds experts are standing by.

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