If you or a loved one are arrested in Carthage, NC, or elsewhere in Moore County, a bail bond is essential. A magistrate will determine bail within a few hours of an arrest. Even minor offenses can result in bail of thousands of dollars. Many felonies result in bail in the tens of thousands and more.
Bail bonds reduce bail costs to an amount most defendants or their families can afford. When you obtain a bail bond, you are required to pay 15 percent of the bail amount. This brings stratospheric bail down to earth.
When bail is so high that even the 15 percent bail bond remains too high, DJ’s Bail Bonds can offer payment plans. The plan can be set up by the defendant or a cosigner. The defendant will need to sign a promise to appear, and then a DJ’s bondsman can have him or her freed.
If you need bail bonding service, contact DJ’s Bail Bonds right away. Our bondsmen are available 24/7/365. We understand that when you or a loved one are locked up, nothing could be more urgent than securing release from jail in Moore County, NC. We provide fast, efficient, nonjudgmental service to all of our clients. Our Wake County office handles bail bonding for all detention facilities in Moore County, NC, and the Moore County Detention Center. Call 704-658 BAIL (2245).
Many law enforcement jurisdictions exist in Moore County, including local police, like the Carthage Police Department, and the Moore County Sheriff. There are also intersecting jurisdictions of state and federal law enforcement agencies. After a Moore County, NC, arrest, the arresting agency may take the defendant to its detention facility or directly to the Moore County Detention Center. The detention center is located at 104 W. Saunders St, Carthage, NC.
It generally takes several hours or longer for law enforcement officials to prepare and file charges. This must occur before bail can be set. Though we cannot secure release until the magistrate sets bail, it’s best to contact a bondsman as soon after the arrest as possible. Let your bondsman know the name of the defendant, the arresting agency, and the charges, if known. Your DJ’s bondsman can then be ready to post bail as soon as possible. For immediate bail bonding, call 704-658 BAIL (2245).
DJ’s Bail Bonds handles most types of bail bonds. We are licensed to write all types of bail, both for large and small cases. Here are some common types of bail bonds our bondsmen write:
Felony Bail Bonds
DWI Bail Bonds
Drug Possession Bail Bonds
Gun Possession Bail Bonds
Disorderly Conduct Bail Bonds
Domestic Violence/Restraining Order Bail Bonds
When there are no injuries, a reasonable bond price may be set. DJ’s Bail Bonds’ bondsmen will get you home as fast as possible.
The size of the bond depends on the substance, the quantity, and the defendant’s record. DJ’s handles both large and small drug possession bail bonds.
When other charges are involved or the defendant has a previous felony, these are astronomical. Call DJ’s for help in making bail affordable.
If you had a few too many, you probably just want to get home. Contact DJ’s for fast service.
North Carolina law can make domestic violence bail bonding complicated. Contact a DJ’s Bail Bonds’ bondsmen to help navigate the system. Once released, make certain to stay away from the alleged victim. If the alleged victim lives with you, your bail terms may prohibit you from returning home. Violation of bail terms puts you back in the Moore County Detention Center.
Spending time in the Moore County Detention Center is unproductive and demoralizing. You can’t live your life or support your family. Get out of custody fast. Contact DJ’s Bail Bonds now at 704-658 BAIL (2245).