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Have you or a loved one been arrested in Rutherford County, NC? Then contact DJ’s Bail Bonds Rutherfordton location for immediate bail bonds assistance. We handle all types of bail bonds, including small misdemeanor bail bonds, major felony bail bonds, and immigration bail bonds. Our professional bondsmen are available 24/7/365. Call now.

In the vast majority of cases, our bondsmen can get you or your loved one released right away, regardless of the charge or your financial circumstances. For situations where financing or bail conditions are an issue, our professional bondsmen know how to overcome those obstacles and expedite release. Call now to start the process. The sooner you call, the sooner we can free you or your loved one.

What happens after a Rutherford County, NC arrest?

In some cases, the suspect is released on his or her own recognizance. More often, a magistrate will determine a bail amount and conditions, which must be met before the detainee is released. This generally occurs within a few hours of arrest.

Law enforcement should allow the detainee to make a phone call. Detainees should use this call to notify family of their location and arrange for a bail bond. They can call DJ’s Bail Bonds directly or have a family member contact DJ’s Bail Bonds on their behalf. Either way, get in touch with a DJ’s Bail Bond’s bondsmen right away to facilitate release.

How bail bonds make bail possible

Bail bonds require payment of just a fraction of the bail amount set by the magistrate. For example, the bail bond fee on a $10,000 bail would be $1,500. Bail bonds make bail affordable and leave money available for legal fees and living expenses.

What if the bail bond fee is too much?

When dealing with higher bail amounts, this situation is commonplace. For that reason, DJ’s Bail Bonds provides payment plan options. A DJ’s Bail Bond’s bondsmen will set you up on a payment plan. Once all paperwork is complete, you or your loved one are released on the condition of appearing in court at the designated date and time.

Types of bail bonds

DJ’s Bail Bonds handles all types of bail bonds, such as:

Felony Bail Bonds

Courts often require high bail and impose conditions of release. DJ’s Bail Bonds specializes in getting our clients the financing they need to afford felony bail. Courts also know DJ’s Bail Bond’s clients show up for court dates. Call DJ’s Bail Bonds for felony bail bonding today.

Gun possession Bail Bonds

Though Americans have the right to bear arms, lack of the proper licensure can land you in hot water. If the state alleges other crimes as well, the bail can become astronomical. That’s no reason to sit in the Rutherford County Jail awaiting trial. Gun possession charges may be dismissed or reduced. DJ’s Bail Bonds services gun possession bail bonds. Call now.

Disorderly Conduct Bail Bonds

Sometimes a situation gets a little heated and the police decide to haul you off to jail. Oftentimes, no one is hurt, and many of these cases are ultimately dismissed. In the meatimee, you don’t want to stew in the Rutherford County Jail. Contact DJ’s Bail Bonds for immediate disorderly conduct bail bonding.

Drug Possession Bail Bonds

If the state alleges you had a lot of drugs, your bail tends to be a lot of money. Courts fear people facing drug possession charges will flee because they face prison time. Contact DJ’s Bail Bonds and we will arrange your release. There are many ways to convince the court you are a good bail risk. Call DJ’s Bail Bonds today

DWI Bail Bonds

Sometimes it’s too easy to assume you’re okay to drive, and a short time later, a police officer disagrees. We understand the court process takes many months and you can’t afford to be away from your family and lose your income by being stuck in jail. DJ’s Bail Bonds gets you out of custody and back home in a flash. Call now.

Getting arrested isn’t on anyone’s bucket list. But it happens to good people every day. The U.S. constitution provides the right to the presumption of innocence and bail. You or your loved one deserve a trial before facing incarceration. For help with exercising your right to bail, call DJ’s Bail Bond’s Rutherfordton, NC location today.

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