Smithfield NC Bail Bonds

Smithfield NC Bail Bonds

How Do Smithfield NC Bail Bonds Work?

If you’ve been arrested and need a company specializing in Smithfield NC Bail Bonds? Unquestionably the judge or magistrate will, within 48-hours of the arrest, set a bond. The bond hearing determines the amount of bail bond money needed to place with the courts to get out of jail. A Smithfield NC bail bond amount is determined by many factors, including the nature of the criminal charge and your previous criminal history.
If the bond amount isn’t paid, you remain incarcerated until your scheduled date and time in court. Although the Smithfield NC justice system promises a speedy trial, many people find themselves sitting behind bars for many months before their hearing takes place.

DJ’s Bail Bonds to the rescue

Many people who’ve been charged with a crime and placed in jail do not have on hand the hundreds to thousands of dollars needed to make the bond. DJ’s Bail Bonds comes to the rescue, making it possible to free yourself from the confines of jail even when these large sums of cash are unavailable. Using the services of a licensed bail bondsman like DJ’s allows you the freedom that you crave without the expense that you do not.

What Do Bail Bonds Require?

For example, if your Johnston County bond is $10,000, a fee of $1,500 is needed to get out of jail using a bondsman service. In the event you can’t pay the fee in full upfront, a DJ’s Bail Bondsman can put you on a payment plan. Once the fee is paid and the paperwork completed, you’re freed from jail on the promise of appearing in court on the scheduled date and time.

A co-signer is needed to sign the bond with a bondsman. The co-signer is assuming the financial responsibility of the bond and guarantees your appearance in court. Anyone can serve as a co-signer for your bond, whether it is a friend, family member or even clergy member. However, this person is responsible for paying the remaining bond money should you fail to appear in court.

Signing a bail bond guarantees the individual’s appearance in court on the specified date and time. Failure to appear in court on the specified date and time results in the bond being revoked. A warrant for your arrest is then issued. The original bond amount then becomes due and payable to the bondsman.

Bail Bonds Services

We serve the Smithfield community with a variety of different bail bonds. When you go through us, we will work with your unique circumstances to help you be free on bail. Some of our bail bond services include:

How to Post a Smithfield North Carolina Bail Bond

DJ’s Bail Bonds accepts cash payments for bond amounts. PayPal, credit cards, and debit cards are also accepted as payment. Monies due are paid to DJ’s Bail Bonds rather than the courts. In some cases, a collateral deposit is required depending on the risk of flight. Property bonds may be placed in lieu of cash. While terms of a cash bond vary, most accept anything of value, including jewelry and property. Remember, if you fail to appear in court, the property that is used as collateral and is forfeited and becomes the property of the bondsman.

Why use a local Smithfield Bondsman Service?

It is scary to be arrested and placed in jail, whether you’ve committed the crime you’re charged with or not. You’ve lost all your freedoms and rights the moment that you go to jail. Life as you know it feels it will never be the same. An arrest can tarnish your good name and reputation. Moreover, it can cause you to lose your job and other consequences. A speedy Bondsman service can get you out of jail before anyone catches wind of the arrest.

Call Us Now at 919-986-1547 for Smithfield NC Bail Bonds

Helpful info:
The Johnston County jail has a 1-2 hour processing time before a person receives a bond. Once a bail bondsman posts a bond it takes 30 to 60 minutes before the inmate is released.

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