Service Areas

North Carolina Bail Bonds

You can count on us at DJ’s Bail Bonds to provide all your bail bondsman NC services. We will get you or your loved one out of jail FAST.

Our local service areas include:

Wake County Detention Center

We provide bail bonds in numerous service areas all over North Carolina. Our main office is located in Wake County, in Raleigh, NC. We are just minutes from the jail and convenient to I-40, US-70 and downtown. Our bail bondsman are in the office daily from 9-6pm and by appointment. The jail is located at 3301 Hammond Road on the edge of Raleigh heading to Garner, NC.

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Johnston County Bail Bondsman NC

The Johnston county jail is located in Smithfield, NC just east of Raleigh. The court house and jail are located in the center of downtown. The jail and the magistrates office are located on the side of the jail and had a slight slope down where the entrance door can be located. The process to bond someone out in Johnston county is much quicker than Wake county but is still at least a couple hours for total process. We have agents serving Johnston County 24/7/365, just call 919-986-1547 and we are on the way.

The jail normally releases defendants once a bond has been posted in a few hours. Unfortunately, jails are not friendly places to be or visit. If you chose to wait by the jail we recommend staying in your car and waiting for your loved one to come walking out the front door. The officers do not answer many questions and have provided many printed signs to let you know they can’t help you. Nor can they recommend a bail bondsman NC for you.

Bail Bondsman NC