Bail Bond Agent

Signs a Smithfield Bail Bond Agent Is Not Qualified

When you or someone you love experiences arrest in Smithfield, North Carolina, you need a qualified bail bond agent you can trust. This relationship is important to your ability to get through the legal system and fight your charges. You face challenges ahead in getting out of jail, finding a lawyer, and gathering the appropriate evidence for your case. You also face work, family and other relationship problems because of your arrest. Without a bail bond agent, you remain in jail and unable to effectively deal with these issues.

An Important Note about Smithfield, NC Bail Bond Agents

Bail Bond AgentMost Smithfield area bail bond agents are reputable and trustworthy. After all, they hold a position of public trust and must also maintain integrity in the eyes of the court. However, some people work instead to scam the public for profit. This happens in almost every field of work.

DJ’s Bail Bonds in Smithfield, NC work hard to maintain public trust. We know you have other options, when it comes to securing a Smithfield bail bond. This is why we sponsor such a thorough blog on our website and offer as much information about our credentials and capabilities as possible. We want to empower you to make the best choice for yourself, the court and your future.

In the sections below, we offer some signs that you are talking to an unqualified person posing as a bail bond agent or otherwise not able to fulfill their promises to you.

The Smithfield Bail Bond Agent Has No Proof of Qualifications

All practicing North Carolina bail bond agents must comply with the licensing requirements of NC statute 58-71-40. These requirements include obtaining a license from the state and keeping that license current. Rarely do bondsmen post these licenses online. This means you should ask to see their license or have a copy of it. If they are reputable, your bond agent understands your need for this request and will provide their license for your review.

Your Prospective Bond Agent Is a Jack-of-All-Trades

One of the most important rules of being a NC bail bond agent is not participating in other activities that present a conflict of interest. As a result, a licensed and qualified bail bondsman will involve himself or herself in a wide variety of other services. If you talk to a bond agent who claims to provide other services for people in need, exercise caution. They should not try to sell you any other service or deal in activities like money lending or pawn shop services, as examples.

The Agent Does Not Have a Quality Website or Their Credentials Do Not Add Up

In the business of bail bonds, bondsmen frequently do not have customers who want to provide rave reviews. After all, day-to-day business involves people going to jail and dealing with the court system. But you still should seek signs that the bond agent is legitimate. One way to do so is through their website. Ensure their website has frequent updates and features helpful information for people needing their services, as well as a listing of their physical location.

Call the Bail Bond Agent You Can Trust in Smithfield, NC

For a Smithfield, NC bail bond agent you can trust, simply call DJ’s Bail Bonds at 919-986-1547. We are fully licensed and have an outstanding reputation in Smithfield and throughout North Carolina. Our bond agents provide bail services 24 hours per day, seven days per week and every day of the year. We can help you get out of jail quickly so you can prepare to fight your charges.